We have settled well into Year 2 and we are enjoying learning lots of new things. 

We have been thinking about ourselves, our bodies and our feelings. In Literacy we have been reading 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. Using adjectives, verbs and similes we have created a word bank to describe the colours and feelings discussed in the story and will complete a descriptive piece of writing using our new and exciting vocabulary.

We have also been writing non-chronological reports using subheadings, about the functions of our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and skin and our internal organs!

Our key focuses within Maths this half term is Place Value and Addition and Subtraction. We have begun by consolidating our knowledge of number to 20 and then 50 before extending this further to 100 developing our understanding of how these numbers can be represented in many different forms. As we move onto addition and subtraction we will begin by applying our knowledge of known addition and subtraction facts within 20 to identify all related facts before moving onto adding and subtracting 10s. 

In Geography, we have been thinking about our own locality and identifying the human and physical features. We are also learning about the UK and its capital cities!

We are very lucky to be taking part in football with Connor!