What a wonderful World Book Day we have had!

The day started with ‘Book and a Brew’ for Year 1. It was lovely to see so many children and families sharing books together. A huge thank you to all of those who purchased books this morning.

Across the school the children celebrated a ‘love of literature’ as they dressed up as their favourite book characters. All of the children looked amazing and so much effort had been put into their wonderful costumes!

We took part in many engaging activities. In Nursery the children listened to ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. In Reception, the children shared stories, songs and rhymes and designed their own superhero capes linked to ‘Billy’s Bravery’. In Year 1, the children created book marks and designed their own bear linked to the ‘Paddington Bear Collection’. In Year 2, the children completed a World Book Day quiz linked to a range of children’s books.

The ‘Friends of Seaton Academy’ took all of the children on an interactive ‘Bear Hunt’ in the hall. The children passed through swishy grass, the wet river, the squelchy mud, a swirling snow storm and the tall trees in the dark forest. Finally, the children passed through a dark cave and spotted a BEAR! A huge thank you to the Friends of Seaton Academy for organising this lovely event. The children were so engaged and it was lovely to see the story come to life.

We have had so much fun today celebrating the wonder of reading!